We are officially bored. :) I keep thinking "only one more month until Spring!" I looked back at pictures from March of last year and there are park pictures! Hallelujah! I won't get my hopes up for February's weather, but I know we've been to the park in February before.
I was trying to think of anything to do inside this afternoon to put an end to..."mom, what should we do?" I suggested Duck Duck Goose! but that was shot down. Hopscotch just came out of my mouth without me even thinking about how we would do it. I actually entertained the thought of getting some chalk and writing on our hardwood floors, but then decided this would be less messy and hopefully better for the floor. Not sure how the tape will come off of the linoleum though. :)

It definitely got them moving and gave me a few minutes of relaxation knowing my kids were entertained.
Don't mind my piled high countertops or the fact that it was the middle of the afternoon and my kids were still mostly in their pjs. And Roman only has one sock...just keepin' it real. :)

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