My husband took Roman to the store last night to do the weekly grocery shopping. When they got home and we were unloading groceries Roman blurted out "we have a surprise for you in the car but we can't tell you!" :) He was so excited. Like, more excited than I have ever seen him. It was so sweet. So after he went to bed, Caleb brought this balloon in and told me Roman picked it out. This morning I was sitting in the living room when Roman got up so I told him that daddy put the surprise in the kitchen and he was to show me what it was. :) He was thrilled! It was such a fun moment to share with him.
The boys made homemade valentines for daddy this morning. We then loaded up and stopped by the store to pick out some candy on the way to visit him at work. It was a fun surprise for him! Here's Titus already helping daddy eat his candy.

Here are the boys' homemade valentines. They each picked out a little chocolate for their dad to go with their valentine.
It is amazing to see their little faces light up with the anticipation of the surprise which usually doesn't end up being a surprise. lol