I absolutely love the shirts and onesies for little boys that have the faux ties on them. I had one for Titus and it was the 'cute' outfit I always chose for him to wear out. So when I ran across an online tutorial over at
The Crap I've Made blog, I had to try it. Above is what you need to start: a onesie (I purchased mine at Hobby Lobby for $3.99), cute material (Hobby Lobby again), Wonder Under (that's what she used in the tutorial, but I found Heat n Bond at Michaels [shown below] and it is the same thing I think), scissors, the printed template from The Crap I've Made blog, and of course an iron/ironing board.

I started by cutting a small piece of fabric and laying it over the Heat n Bond to cut a piece of similar size. You actually want your material a little bigger than your piece of Heat n Bond.

Then you lay the material face down on your ironing board and iron over the Heat n Bond (the side with the sticker facing up-it explains how to do this step on the package).
This adheres the Heat n Bond to the material and now you're read to cut out the tie. I wanted the stripes straight on the top piece and the stripes diagonal on the bottom piece.

I just traced the tie onto the material with a pencil.

Then cut it out...

Then you peel the sticker off of the back...

And lay it on the onesie where you want it.

Then you iron it down (it will tell you how many seconds to hold the iron on there on the Heat n Bond package).


Such a fun, cute gift! This one is going to my husband's co-worker who just had a baby boy. Once you have purchased the material and the Heat n Bond or Wonder Under you can make numerous ties. The only recurring cost is for the onesie or t-shirt you use. I think I might make my boys a couple of these t-shirts!
HOMEMADE BUBBLESSince the weather has been so nice we've been playing outside every chance we get. I had one little bottle of bubbles left from last year and we used those up very quickly. I looked up a recipe for homemade bubbles and this one worked pretty well for the wands we have (I say that because we have a really big wand and the consistency was too thin for that wand. We didn't try the little tiny wands that fit inside the bubble bottles).

1 cup water
2 tablespoons light karo syrup or glycerin (I used karo syrup)
4 tablespoons dishwashing liquid (I used Palmolive)

You just mix it all together and have fun!