Today we did some fun things. I had found some inspiration for November activities
here so we decided to give one a go today. I took some plastic drinking straws and let the boys cut them into little pieces. Note: watch out - the cut pieces fly far! Which the boys loved. Mama...not so much. :)
After we had a bunch of little pieces I gave them a bit of yarn with tape wrapped around one end and let them string their "beads" on. It was a great find motor skill project. Especially for Titus.

As you can see it took his full concentration. :)

They were meant to be necklaces but the boys weren't too interested in wearing them.
Next up was a fun fall craft!

I saw this idea several places for a Halloween jack-o-lantern, but I decided to give it a fall spin.
Supplies: glass jar, tissue paper (we used red, dark green, yellow and orange), paint brushes, Mod Podge (found at any art store or Wal-mart), tea light.
I had the boys paint the glass jar with the Mod Podge, then we stuck on little bits of tissue paper. I had them help me cut/tear those up as well. This was a pretty messy project. Be sure to wear paint shirts to cover clothing and put newspaper or a paper bag under the glass jar to protect your table. I had them paint over the tissue paper with Mod Podge again after they had their jar covered just to seal all the little ends down.

They turned out really cute! We stuck a tea light in them and that finished it off. The boys were really proud of them and told daddy all about them when he got home. :) Happy Fall!